On my anniversary of ordination

05-28-2023Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

I find myself filled with profound gratitude, reverence, and awe as I pause to celebrate a remarkable milestone in my life's journey—seventeen years since my ordination to the priesthood. I owe it all to the ceaseless guidance of our loving God and the unwavering support from all of you, my family, and my friends.

Every baptism I've administered, every confession I've heard, every Eucharist I've celebrated, every funeral I have officiated, every wedding I have presided over—these sacred moments have been steppingstones along my journey, shaping me, teaching me, and humbling me. The smiles of our parish children, the wisdom of our parish councils, the shared prayers, the comforting silence, and the resonating hymns are all threads that weave the beautiful tapestry of my priesthood.

There were moments of challenge and hardship along the way, times when the weight of the responsibility felt overwhelming, and times of personal loss and grief. But even in those moments, the incredible faith and strength of my family, church family, and friends shone through, reminding me of the divine promise of hope and renewal.

We've wept together, laughed together, prayed together. Each shared moment has been a lesson of love, humility, and grace. In serving you, I have been served; in loving you, I have been loved; in guiding you, I have been guided.

Looking back on these seventeen years, I am filled with gratitude. To God, for His divine call, mercy, and unending love. To my brother priests, for their camaraderie and wisdom. To my family and friends, for their unwavering support and sacrifice. And to you, my parishioners, for your trust, love, and patience. You have journeyed with me, believed in me, and helped me grow as a person and as your priest. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this incredible journey. Here's to the future, to faith, to hope, and most importantly, to love.

L photo: As other bishops and priests look on, Archbishop Henry J. Mansell lays hands on then-transitional deacon Emmanuel during the May 20, 2006 ordination to the priesthood.

R photo: Newly ordained Father Emmanuel stands with Abp. Mansell and his parents Innocent and Cecilia Ihemedu.