Unpacking Our Faith: Why Do We Celebrate Mass? Discovering Its Power and Purpose (Week 2)
by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu | 11/24/2024 | Live the LiturgyAfter the Sign of the Cross, the priest proclaims, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ… be with you all,” to which we respond, “And with your spirit.” These words announce the presence of Christ among us, as promised in Scripture: “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Matthew 18:20). Recognizing Christ in our midst invites us to reflect deeply on our relationship with Him, acknowledging the moments we have not lived in His light.
Unpacking Our Faith: Why Do We Celebrate Mass? Discovering Its Power and Purpose (Week 1)
by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu | 11/17/2024 | Live the LiturgyEvery Sunday, as Catholics, we gather for Mass to remember and live out what Jesus instituted at the Last Supper. Did you know that Jesus' command, “Do this in remembrance of me,” has been continuously honored for almost two thousand years? Each time we celebrate Mass, we fulfill His directive, allowing Jesus to be truly present among us.
As Mass begins, our gathering takes the shape of a united community (General Instruction of the Roman Missal). When the priest and ministers process in, the assembly is complete, and we become the people of God, with Christ present in our midst.
ContinueThe Baptism of Jesus
01/13/2019 | Live the LiturgyAt the baptism of Jesus, a voice came from heaven saying, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." Through Baptism, Jesus' identity as God'sSon is revealed and understood. He knows very clearly who he is. Baptism does the same for us.
ContinueJesus Brings Light into the Darkness of Our Lives!
01/06/2019 | Live the LiturgyWe all have had the experience of walking into a dark room and searching for the light switch. If we are really unfamiliar with the space, anxiety, uncertainty, disorientation, and even fear can easily arise. Once we find the light, all is illuminated and we are at peace. Our light has come into the world! The glory of God has been revealed!
ContinueDo we want to be taught?
07/22/2018 | Live the LiturgyThe many images we have of God help frame our relationship with Him. Have we ever imagined Jesus so deeply moved with emotion and engulfed with pity for us? We often are sheep without a shepherd who are lured by the emptiness of worldly attractions and superficial desires. We become lost.
ContinueDo you describe yourself as a holy person?
07/15/2018 | Live the LiturgyFor many, becoming holy may not be seen as a desirous goal. We are all called to be holy but maybe not in the way we often imagined. Holiness is nothing more than doing ordinary things with great love and faith.
ContinueKeep our eyes fixed on the Lord
07/08/2018 | Live the LiturgyIt seems that Jesus is always facing some kind of opposition. Today, those from his native place amaze him because of their lack of faith. We oppose Jesus as well. It is not easy to be challenged and realize our great need to change. We grow comfortable with ourselves and our surroundings and resist change. We become defensive when the wisdom Jesus utters asks us to leave ourselves and our concerns and think more about others. We lack faith in God, faith in ourselves, and faith in one another. We are asked to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and allow ourselves to be stretched. Jesus knows what he is talking about.
Do we really believe this?
God does not rejoice in our demise or our destruction.
07/01/2018 | Live the LiturgyGod does not rejoice in our demise or our destruction. Rather, He made us in His image and desires that we have life. He also desires that we be healed and know His loving touch. There is great power in an embrace. The touch of another can heal wounds and restore life. There is also power in faith. Faith can turn us toward the truth and turn us toward God. God can profoundly change how we see Him, ourselves, and one another. God desires that we turn toward Him and be healed of all that wounds and binds us so that we can be free and enjoy the fullness life. Reach out and share your faith with someone this week so that they can receive God's life-changing embrace.
How can we show Jesus to others today?
God creates and fashions each one of us with intent and purpose
06/24/2018 | Live the LiturgyAs we celebrate today's feast, we are reminded that God creates and fashions each one of us with intent and purpose. We are not random accidents. We are special creations and wonderfully made. Each of us brings a unique twist to the one shot at life that we are given. As people of faith and children of God, we are asked to use our specialness to announce God's kingdom. Each of us reveals a unique part of God's face. Each day presents opportunities to communicate our faith to others and to reveal God's mercy. We have the means to point the way to Christ.
How can we show Jesus to others today?