Do You Know Your Faith?

10-28-2018Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Do you know the origin of the Kiss of Peace at Mass and where the tradition came from? Before the Kiss of Peace, we have “The Lord’s Prayer” which is used most appropriately to begin the communion rite. It reminds us that God is our Father and we are God’s children who depend on him for everything.


Do You Know Your Faith?

10-21-2018Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Do you know what happens during the Consecration? After the Sanctus, the priest now asks God to send the Spirit to transform the gifts of bread and wineinto the Body and Blood of Jesus. The priest then begins the narrative of the Last Supper. He recalls how Jesus took the bread, blessed it, gave thanks,and said, “This is my body.”


Do You Know Your Faith?

10-14-2018Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Do you know why we sing Holy, Holy, Holy? The Sanctus (Holy), as it is called in Latin is the first praise we the people give to God the Father in the Eucharistic prayer. The whole Church of God unites each time we intone the Sanctus. The faithful here on earth (us), the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven are joined in praise of God.


Do You Know Your Faith?

10-07-2018Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Do you know why we go from Sitting to Standing to Kneeling through Mass? We stand during Mass as a sign of reverence. In the same way that we stand in respect when introduced to an important person, we also stand when meeting Christ in the gospel, when receiving the Eucharist and when we are in an important conversation with God. A time for sitting is usually a time for listening and reflecting. Bowing for blessing was practiced for many years in the Church. It was replaced by kneeling in the Western rite.