Why Do Catholics Call Mary "Ever Virgin"?

06/02/2019  |  Why do we do that?

With Scripture, we believe that Mary conceived the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:34-35). Catholic teaching and tradition like-wise speak of Mary remaining virginal after the birth of Jesus.

What about passages like Mark 6:3 that speak of Jesus' brothers? In the Catholic tradition, this has been interpreted not to mean other children of Mary, but rather close relatives. A tradition from the second century indicates Christians believed that these were Joseph's children from a previous marriage.

Some believe that the word was taken from a Semetic account in which all close relatives including cousins were called brothers. We also see in the Gospel of John that Mary is entrusted to John, and this story would probably not be told if Mary had other children.

Isn't her virginiy a putdown of marriage? No. Pope Paul VI, in his treatise on Mary (1974), stated: 'Mary's choice of the state of virginity, which in God's plan prepared her for the history of the Incarnation, was not a rejection of any of the values of the married state, but a courageous choice which she made in order to consecrate herself totally to the love of God."

Our Lady's sanctity consists not in the fact that she was a virgin or a wife or a mother (even God's mother!) but that she freely gave herself to God.That is possible for everyone. All you need is a human heart eager to love God completely.

Look up these Scripture passages about Mary:

  • Luke 1:26-38 (The Annunciation)
  • Luke 1: 39- 56(The Visitation)
  • Luke 2: 1-21 (The Birth of Jesus)
  • John 2:1-12 (The Wedding at Cana)
  • John 19:25-27(Standing by the Cross).

What one quality of Mary do you admire in each passage?

Mary Mother of God, Pray for us, Amen!