What's the Story on the Apparitions of Mary?

06/16/2019  |  Why do we do that?

Catholics have experienced Mary’s intercession in many ways. Generations of believers have praised Mary as one who has led them to the grace of God. Many trustworthy and holy individuals have reported visions of Mary, often accompanied by messages that have been the source of countless blessings. Shrines at the sites of such appearances are visited by millions of people every year, most notably at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, at Lourdes in France, and at Fatima in Portugal.

The Catholic Church does not require that its members believe in such appearances, but there have been official declarations that certain apparitions and the messages associated with them are not contrary to Catholic doctrine and are worthy of belief. We believe on the evidence of Scripture that God sends angels as messengers of God’s love, and it is reasonable to believe that Jesus can send his mother as an emissary. Many miracles of healing have occurred at Marian shrines. Hundreds of them have been carefully studied by medical bureaus and have been declared to be beyond any medical explanation. Anyone who studies these miracles, as they have been described in numerous books and magazine articles, cannot help but be amazed at the evident presence of God’s power and grace working through the intercession of Mary.

Jesus said that we can judge a tree by its fruit, and we can see the good fruit of God’s blessings flowing from Guadalupe, Lourdes, and Fatima. They are evidence of God’s loving care and of Mary’s maternal affection for us.

Mary, a Woman for the Modern World!

Pope Paul VI said, “Mary, while completely devoted to the will of God, was far from being a timidly submissive woman; on the contrary, she was a woman who did not hesitate to proclaim that God vindicates the humble and the oppressed….She was a woman of strength who experienced poverty and suffering, flight and exile…and her action helped to strengthen the apostolic community's faith in Christ."

These are all qualities that are just as necessary today as they were in Mary’s time.

Have you ever wondered what life was like for Mary, given what you know about her story, her background, her culture, and her environment? In praise of all that God has done for her, Mary prayed in her Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55): “Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed.” We are proud to be numbered among the generations that call Mary blessed.

Mary Star of the Sea, Pray for your children and pray for us, amen!