Unpacking Our Faith: Why Do We Celebrate Mass? Discovering Its Power and Purpose (Week 4)

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  12/08/2024  |  Live the Liturgy

Have you ever wondered how the readings for Mass are chosen? The Sunday readings follow a thoughtful structure. Over a three-year cycle, regular churchgoers will hear almost all of the New Testament and a rich selection of texts from the Old Testament. The Church’s liturgical year begins with Advent.

In this cycle:

  • Year A focuses on the Gospel of Matthew,
  • Year B centers on the Gospel of Mark,
  • Year C highlights the Gospel of Luke.

Can you guess which year we are in now? The Gospel of John is often read during Easter, Christmas, and to supplement Year B, as Mark’s Gospel is shorter.

After the Gospel, we hear the homily. This is where the Good News proclaimed in the Gospel is brought to life, showing us that Jesus is not merely a figure of history but is present and active today.

The homily connects Scripture to our daily lives, helping us see God’s ongoing work in the world.

As listeners, we might come expecting a transformative word to turn our world upside down. But if our focus rests solely on the preacher, we risk missing the true source of change: Jesus Christ. As He said, “Even as you listen.” Be actively engaged with both the Gospel and the homily. Approach them with open hearts, eager for Christ’s vision and calling. To prepare, read the Scriptures for the Mass beforehand and reflect on what God might be saying to you.

Having encountered Jesus in the Scriptures and the homily, our natural response is to affirm our faith. Together, we rise to proclaim the Creed, boldly stating, “We believe in God!”

Renewed in faith and trust, we then present our petitions to God during the General Intercessions. As the intentions are read aloud, we unite in prayer, asking God to hear and answer us. What needs or intentions are you bringing to Him in this Mass? What prayers do you wish your parish family to offer?

May our hearts remain open to God’s Word and His loving presence as we journey together in faith. Amen!