Celebrating Pentecost: A Beautiful Display of Unity and Diversity

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  05/29/2024  |  From the Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

What a joyous and unforgettable celebration we had for Pentecost last Sunday! Our liturgy was a beautiful tapestry of languages and cultures, embodying the true spirit of Pentecost. We celebrated the Mass in English and Spanish, with prayers offered in Polish and Italian. The music added a special touch, featuring songs in English, Polish, and Spanish, all wonderfully performed by our Mariachi group from Mexico.

Following the Mass, we gathered on the Academy grounds for our parish picnic, themed “A Taste of St. John Paul the Great.” The event showcased the incredible diversity of our parish, with desserts prepared by various ethnic groups and delicious food provided by the Oliver Wolcott Technical High School in Torrington. Our Knights of Columbus and Holy Name Society members skillfully cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone to enjoy.

The picnic also featured tables set up by different parish ministries, offering a chance for everyone to learn more about the important work they do. This was a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and to appreciate the many ways we serve our community.

A special thank you goes to Ms. Lina Calabrese, our dedicated Director of Faith Formation, who coordinated the event. She and her amazing team did a phenomenal job ensuring everything ran smoothly. We are incredibly grateful for their hard work and commitment.

To everyone who participated, from those who prepared food and desserts to those who set up tables and took photos, thank you! Your efforts made this event a true success and a testament to the vibrant, diverse and unified community we have here at SJPG parish.


May the Holy Spirit continue to guide and inspire us as we move forward together in faith.

With gratitude and blessings,
Rev. Emmanuel Ihemedu
Pastor, St. John Paul the Great Parish