Give with Radical Trust
by © LPi Fr. John Muir | 11/10/2024 | Weekly ReflectionOnce at an evening Mass as a poor college student, the collection basket was fast approaching, and I only had a ten-dollar bill. I was planning on using that to buy my favorite Chipotle burrito that night for dinner. Should I keep the money? Who would know if I did? If I gave it away, what would I eat? Would I be okay? I kissed my future burrito goodbye, dropped the money in the basket, and winced. But strangely, the rest of the Mass I felt more engaged than usual. I had skin in the game. I left the Mass excited to see how God would take care of me. And he did, in amazing ways.
When the poor widow places two copper coins in the temple treasury, Jesus doesn’t pity her. He praises her. He blesses her. He brags about her. He celebrates her as the temple’s largest benefactor. Her giving is an act of radical, concrete trust in God. It is as if she is entering a new level of giving that excites Jesus, because she contributes not out of her abundance, but she gives “everything she had.”
What a challenge this is to each one of us! How easy it is to ignore this! But imagine the eruption of the energy of faith, hope, and love that would be unlocked if our financial sacrifices to the Church actually tapped into daily bread and not only our disposable income. I challenge us to try this in some way this coming week and see what happens in our hearts. Even if it costs us a burrito.