From Fr. Emmanuel

Consider serving in the Protect the Flock ministry

03-02-2024  |  Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Dear Parishioners of St. John Paul the Great Parish,

I am excited to share with you an opportunity to serve in a ministry that is close to our hearts – the Protect the Flock ministry. As the first Catholic church security program in Connecticut, Protect the Flock is dedicated to ensuring that all of us can worship in peace, free from the worry of harm. In addition to providing security, our team is also trained to assist in medical emergencies, offering comfort and support until professional help arrives.


Remain until the Final Blessing

03-01-2024  |  Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we gather together in worship and fellowship, it is important to remember the significance of our time in this sacred space. Our participation in the Mass is not only an act of personal devotion but also a communal expression of our faith and unity as the Body of Christ.

In the spirit of reverence and respect, we are reminded of the importance of remaining in the church until the conclusion of the Mass. Just as we would not leave a funeral before the body has been escorted out, or a wedding before the newlyweds have departed, so too should we honor the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and in the person of the priest by waiting until the priest has processed out of the church.


Scam Notice

02-11-2022  |  

Important Notice: Some parishes have noted an increase again in scam attempts directed toward their parishioners.  In these scams, an email, call or text is sent, appearing to come from your priest. It may include links to open a document or website. It may request that the individual send money to a certain location or account or purchase gift cards whose serial numbers are then forwarded along to the “priest.” Often, the phone number or email address used appears as if it might be coming from the priest but is, in fact, fake.