Celebrating Pentecost: A Beautiful Display of Unity and Diversity

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  05/29/2024  |  From the Pastor

Dear Parishioners,

What a joyous and unforgettable celebration we had for Pentecost last Sunday! Our liturgy was a beautiful tapestry of languages and cultures, embodying the true spirit of Pentecost. We celebrated the Mass in English and Spanish, with prayers offered in Polish and Italian. The music added a special touch, featuring songs in English, Polish, and Spanish, all wonderfully performed by our Mariachi group from Mexico.

Following the Mass, we gathered on the Academy grounds for our parish picnic, themed “A Taste of St. John Paul the Great.” The event showcased the incredible diversity of our parish, with desserts prepared by various ethnic groups and delicious food provided by the Oliver Wolcott Technical High School in Torrington. Our Knights of Columbus and Holy Name Society members skillfully cooked hamburgers and hotdogs for everyone to enjoy.


Consider serving in the Protect the Flock ministry

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  03/02/2024  |  From the Pastor

Dear Parishioners of St. John Paul the Great Parish,

I am excited to share with you an opportunity to serve in a ministry that is close to our hearts – the Protect the Flock ministry. As the first Catholic church security program in Connecticut, Protect the Flock is dedicated to ensuring that all of us can worship in peace, free from the worry of harm. In addition to providing security, our team is also trained to assist in medical emergencies, offering comfort and support until professional help arrives.


Remain until the Final Blessing

by Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu  |  03/01/2024  |  From the Pastor

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we gather together in worship and fellowship, it is important to remember the significance of our time in this sacred space. Our participation in the Mass is not only an act of personal devotion but also a communal expression of our faith and unity as the Body of Christ.

In the spirit of reverence and respect, we are reminded of the importance of remaining in the church until the conclusion of the Mass. Just as we would not leave a funeral before the body has been escorted out, or a wedding before the newlyweds have departed, so too should we honor the presence of Christ in the Eucharist and in the person of the priest by waiting until the priest has processed out of the church.


Scam Notice

02/11/2022  |  From the Pastor

Important Notice: Some parishes have noted an increase again in scam attempts directed toward their parishioners.  In these scams, an email, call or text is sent, appearing to come from your priest. It may include links to open a document or website. It may request that the individual send money to a certain location or account or purchase gift cards whose serial numbers are then forwarded along to the “priest.” Often, the phone number or email address used appears as if it might be coming from the priest but is, in fact, fake.


The Season of Joy!

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  12/20/2020  |  From the Pastor

This is a very challenging time for all of us. The uncertainties and hardship that this pandemic has placed on so many families can rob us of the joy that God intended it to bring in our lives.

Perhaps for you this season has become a time of loneliness and sadness because of the loss of a loved one. Perhaps this pandemic is devastating for you and your family; perhaps you are grieving the loss of your former way of life. No matter what your condition may be, there is reason to be joyful.


Update about scam attempts

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  10/16/2020  |  From the Pastor

As we have stated before, parishes have noted an increase in scam attempts directed toward their parishioners. In these scams, a call, text, or email is sent, appearing to come from the priest and requesting that the individual send money to a certain location/account or purchase gift cards whose serial numbers are then forwarded along to the “priest.” Often, the phone number or email address used appears as if it might be coming from the priest but is, in fact, fake.

Your parish and your priests do not request donations in this way.


Our Doors are Open - Phase 4

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  09/16/2020  |  From the Pastor

As pandemic guidelines continue to change, St. John Paul the Great Parish is adjusting accordingly. We publish changes in the bulletin, on our website and on Facebook as they happen. Please check back each week.

Our doors are open for the public celebration of weekday and weekend Masses, baptisms, wedding Masses and funeral Masses using social distance guidelines. Those who wish to attend Mass and are able to, following current guidelines, are welcome and encouraged to do so. If you are over the age of 65, or have health issues, please consider staying home. Attendees must bring and wear masks for the duration of Mass and follow posted guidelines.


Our Doors are Open - Phase 3 Updates

09/02/2020  |  From the Pastor

As pandemic guidelines continue to change, St. John Paul the Great Parish is adjusting accordingly. We publish changes in the bulletin, on our website and on Facebook as they happen. Please check back each week.

Our doors are open for the public celebration of weekday and weekend Masses, baptisms, wedding Masses and funeral Masses using social distance guidelines. Those who wish to attend Mass and are able to, following current guidelines, are welcome and encouraged to do so. If you are over the age of 65, or have health issues, please consider staying home.


Our Doors Are Open For Public Worship

07/13/2020  |  From the Pastor

St. John Paul the Great Parish doors are open for the public celebration of weekday and Sunday Masses as well as baptisms, weddings and funerals. All safety procedures and precautions are being followed.

Click here for current Mass times, confession and Eucharistic Adoration schedules. If you are planning to attend a public Mass or service, please read the full guidelines regarding what you need to know before attending any event.

Archbishop Blair has extended the dispensation for Sunday Mass through Saturday, November 28, 2020.  If you are over the age of 65, or have health issues, please consider staying home.


Our Doors Are Open For Weekday Public Worship!

by Fr. Emmanuel Ihemedu  |  06/21/2020  |  From the Pastor

St. John Paul the Great Parish doors are now open for the public celebration of weekday Masses, baptisms, wedding Masses and funeral Masses. All safety procedures and precautions are being followed.

Archbishop Blair extended the dispensation for Sunday Mass through Sun, Sep. 6. The date for the resumption of public celebration of Sunday Mass is yet to be announced.

We will continue live streaming & videos of weekday and Sunday Masses so that all will be able to participate and remain connected with our parish family. Click here for schedule updates. If you are planning on attending a public Mass or service, please review the guidelines.
