St. John Paul the Great Academy

Enroll anytime for the 2024-2025 school year

St. John Paul the Great Academy is the only STREAM Academy in the Northwest corner of CT. Beginning as early as Pre-K 3, our educators teach our Pre-K through middle school students real world applications and life-long skills. In our liberal arts curriculum, the subjects are coordinated to support each other under an instructional framework highlighting how science, technology, religion, engineering, language arts, and mathematics all connect in the real world.

The STREAM Framework helps to develop critical thinkers and future leaders through the integration of Religion. It encourages a climate of innovation through faith and interdisciplinary instruction. It allows students to meet their goals through problem-solving, group collaboration and independent research in a progressive and creative learning environment.

We invite students of all faiths to be a part of our Academy. Our children are the stewards of our future, and we need to usher them into the world armed with knowledge, fortitude and faith. New students are always welcome.

We are pleased to offer our "Just" Tuition Model. At St. John Paul the Great Academy, we believe a high-quality, Catholic education should be available to all, regardless of income. ​"Just" Tuition means we base your tuition on your income. Ask us how we can help your children become students at our Academy, and what other financial relief programs we have available.

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What's Happening at St. John Paul the Great Academy

Bingo Fundraiser

Bingo starts at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:00pm.

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2023 Cereal Domino Challenge

St. John Paul the Great Academy again partnered with Stock the Shelves ( to acknowledge Action Hunger Day and to help those of our community in Northwest Connecticut who struggle with food insecurity. Students and teachers, Academy families, St. John Paul the Great Parish and the greater community collaborated for weeks to collect 2,415 boxes of cereal for distribution to area food banks, soup kitchens and shelters, more than doubling the 2022 cereal collection.

But first, all those boxes were used in the creation of a “cereal domino” to the enjoyment of all. Boxes were set standing up in continuous rows of interconnected circles, swirls and hearts throughout the parking lot. At the appointed time, the first box was knocked over and then all watched as the “dominoes” fell – with a little help from volunteers. A drone above and video cameras on the ground caught the action.

The event was an opportunity to give to the greater community, but it was also a teaching tool for our students to have the opportunity to learn firsthand how to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Great things happen when everyone works together.

2022 Cereal Domino Challenge