Mass, Adoration & Confession Times

TuesdayJanuary 14

  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Peter)

    † John O’Leary

  • 5:15 pm Adoration(St. Peter, Spanish)
  • 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm Confession(St. Peter)
  • 6:30 pm Mass(St. Peter, Spanish)

    For the intentions of all parishioners

WednesdayJanuary 15

  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Francis)

    † Matt Canfield, For successful surgery of family member

  • 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Adoration(St. Francis)

ThursdayJanuary 16

  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Peter)

    † Belinda & Umberto Melaragno

FridayJanuary 17

  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Francis)

    † Giovanni & Domenica DiVenere

  • 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Adoration(St. Francis)
  • 6:30 pm Adoration(St. Peter)

SaturdayJanuary 18

  • 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Confession(St. Francis)
  • 4:30 pm Mass(St. Peter)

    † Josephine Alduini Burgess

SundayJanuary 19

  • 7:00 am Mass(St. Francis)

    For the intentions of all parishioners

  • 8:30 am Mass(St. Peter)

    † Zbigniew Poetek

  • 10:00 am Mass(St. Francis, live-streamed)

    † Robert F. Bollard Sr.

  • 11:30 am Mass(Spanish, St. Peter, live-streamed)

    For the intentions of all parishioners

MondayJanuary 20

  • Office Closed
  • 8:00 am Mass(St. Francis)

  • 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Adoration(St. Francis)

NOTE: Last-minute schedule changes will be posted on our Facebook page. Live-streamed Masses and services are on Facebook.

Weekend Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:30pm Mass at St. Peter

7:00am at St. Francis
8:30am Mass at St. Peter
10:00am at St. Francis, also live-streamed
11:30am Spanish at St. Peter, also live-streamed

Daily Mass Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am at St. Francis
Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am at St. Peter
Tuesday 6:30pm at St. Peter (Spanish). Adoration 1 hr before Mass.
First Friday Mass of Healing 6:00pm (live-streamed) at St. Peter. Begins with Divine Mercy Chaplet. (Schedule subject to change.)

Holy Day Mass Schedule

Masses on holy days are published in the bulletin and online close to each holy day / holiday date. Please check for times and locations which vary according to the calendar year. Information about Masses is also available by calling 860-482-4433.

Request a Mass Intention

Schedule your Mass intentions for January 1 to June 30, 2025. Phone calls are accepted from 9:00am-3:00pm only. Parishioners are limited to selecting three (3) weekend Masses. There are no limits for daily (M-F) Masses.

Offering a Mass for a special intention is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. Masses are offered for many reasons – for the souls in purgatory, in remembrance of someone who is deceased, or for the living – for someone who is ill, or for someone celebrating a special occasion. Intentions can be offered even when family/friends cannot be physically present at that Mass. PLEASE NOTE: if you are having a Mass said for someone and would like to bring up the gifts, please let an usher know prior to the Mass.

Our Doors Are Open for Private Prayer

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00am-4:00pm at St. Francis
Tuesday, Thursday 8:00am-4:00pm at St. Peter
Saturday 10:00am-5:30pm at St. Peter


Tuesdays 5:30-6:00pm at St. Peter
Saturdays 2:00-3:00pm at St. Francis
Confession is available face-to-face as well as behind the privacy screen.

Eucharistic Adoration

Tuesday 5:30-6:15pm at St. Peter (Spanish) followed by Mass
Monday, Wednesday, Friday following the 8:00am Mass until 4:00pm at St. Francis
Friday 6:30pm at St. Peter (except First Fridays) - Divine Mercy Chaplet & Adoration

NOTE: Stations of the Cross are held on Fridays during Lent.


(must register and is limited to one family)

First WEEKEND of the month in English:
Saturday 1:00pm at St. Peter Church
Sundays - during 10:00am Mass at St. Francis Church

Fourth WEEKEND of the month in Spanish:
Saturdays 1:00pm at St. Peter Church
Sundays - during 11:30am Mass at St. Peter Church