Our Life of Faith

08-25-2019Weekly Reflection©LPi

Have you ever seen a celebrity? Have you ever met a political representative? Did the encounter leave you with newfound acting or musical abilities? Did it give you a grasp of the intricacies of the latest city ordinance or controversial law? Talents, expertise, and skill are hard-won traits, not rewards that spread by contact. Our life of faith is also not so easy.

“We ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets!” In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus notes that it requires moral strength to enter the kingdom of God. It's not mere proximity to righteousness that saves. Rubbing elbows with the righteous is not the same as being truly holy ourselves. Unfortunately, we can have this attitude in many areas.


Unity and Division

08-18-2019Weekly Reflection©LPi

The Prince of Peace wants to set the world on fire? This Sunday's Gospel can sound more intense than what we may be accustomed to. It's a passage of contradictions. Jesus so clearly prays for unity, yet here he speaks of division. Why would our God who comes as an offering of love speak so frankly about causing relationships to be torn apart?

The sobering truth is that Jesus is divisive. We see this throughout the Gospels, as the Pharisees critique him, the Romans condemn him, and not everyone in the crowd is enthusiastic about his words.

Jesus has not come for the purpose of dividing, but what he does is so radical that it upends the status quo. And it doesn't end with his preaching and miracles! "There is a baptism with which I must be baptized." Jesus isn't talking about his baptism at the Jordan River, which has already occurred, but the passing through the waters of death on the Cross and rising again to new life in the resurrection.


Will You Be Ready?

08-11-2019Weekly Reflection©LPi

Tickets booked, packing list double-checked, itinerary set - how do you know you're prepared for a trip? Being ready requires plenty of practical preparation. Do we give the same care to our spiritual preparedness? "Your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom," Jesus tells us. In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus reminds us to have the right attitude for the gifts and callings he wants to give us!

Clear out your clutter! “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Jesus reminds the disciples that earthly standards of security and success will wear out in time. If our lives are structured around values that don't align with the kingdom of God, we'll miss opportunities to receive God. If we're so concerned with our child's success in sports that we miss Sunday Mass for their tournaments, we're missing out receiving the sacraments and building a consistent community of faith. If our quest for the promotion takes us away from family commitments, we won't be able to fully receive the love intended in our closest relationships.


Update: Saint Mary’s Property

08-11-2019AllRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

In keeping with my commitment to transparency, I would like to apprise you on the sale of Saint Mary’s property. Saint Mary’s church and school building have been sold for $376,000 to William Gately of Berlin, Massachusetts. The closing took place July 18, 2019. Every contract related to the school and church (plowing, landscaping, etc.) has been terminated and the keys handed over to the buyer. Most of the Sacred Items were already removed by my predecessor before my arrival. The rest of the items such as the altar, some crucifixes and candle sticks were dismantled and stored away in a safe place at the rectory. I am thinking that perhaps we should donate them to some Catholic churches in developing countries where they could still be used for worship.

— Fr. Emmanuel

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

08-04-2019Weekly ReflectionRev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu

As we enter into a new week, I lift you up in prayer and claim 1 Chronicles 4:10. It is the prayer of Jabez.

May God grant your requests as He did for Jabez! May He bless you indeed and enlarge your borders! May the hand of God be with you and keep you from harm, in Jesus mighty Name, Amen!

— Fr. Emmanuel

Today's Gospel tackles a key question in the spiritual life - grateful or greedy?