Inclement Weather Policy

St. John Paul the Great Parish follows the Torrington Public Schools (TPS) for decisions on weather-related and emergency closings announced on our local TV and radio stations. Below is how this policy affects parish activities:

Weekday Schedule Adjustments

If TPS cancels School and all activities

  • No Morning Mass: Public Mass is canceled, but intentions will be rescheduled at a later date.* The parish priests will offer a private Mass for the day’s intentions.
  • Parish Office Closed: Staff will not be available.
  • No Faith Formation Classes or Activities: All events on parish grounds are canceled.

If TPS has a Delayed Opening

  • Morning Mass will be canceled
  • Parish Office: delayed opening
  • All Activities: Held as scheduled.

If TPS has Early Dismissal

- Parish office will close early. - All parish activities will be canceled

Weekend Masses

Weekend Masses are rarely canceled due to weather. However, the safety of our parishioners is our top priority. If conditions are unsafe, please use your best judgment. The obligation to attend Mass is lifted when bad weather prevents attendance.

Notes on Rescheduling of Canceled Morning Masses

For all weekday Morning Masses canceled due to inclement weather, the intentions will be rescheduled as follows:

  • St. Francis Church Mass Intentions: Combined and offered at 8:00am on Mon, May 5.
  • St. Peter’s Church Mass Intentions: Combined and offered at 8:00am on Tue, May 13.

While the public Mass is canceled, the parish priests will still celebrate a private Mass to honor the day’s intentions. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Stay safe during inclement weather!